Goldefy after one week and how I feel about it.

Zen media
2 min readMar 14, 2022

Goldefy is a metaverse crypto game where you can earn crypto as you sleep, not going to lie seems like a great idea on paper but when your using the app.

It becomes boring, after I joined goldefy discord it seems like they have a lot of hype around the project but developers come across rude and seems like they don’t care about the project.

The discord is full of spam and earning of tokens do hurt you’re battery life on you’re phone.

You need to charge you’re phone at least every 8 hours because of the app and where it doesn’t have no value at this moment of time. It really doesn’t seem worth it.

After a week of use I have earn 205 tokens doing simple maths time they so the full app release I would hold about 1006 tokens, all depending on how much pets and land on them tokens could not buy that much on goldefy.

When the token is launched I believe it will be worth 0.0002 USD meaning I would hold 20¢ in USD making it not with the time.

How do you feel about goldefy as a project? Comment below, how much you think goldefy could be worth in the future.



Zen media

dyslexic writer but trying to improve my writing, I will be updating zen media but I run all different businesses. from crypto, art, social media marketing.